September 30th, 2015
LIGHT IS NOTHING WITHOUT SHADOW. “Let us not look away from our shadows for ...
February 21st, 2013
Self-Awareness: The Key to Transformation and An Empowered Life! “Our real journey in life is interior. It is a matter of growth, deepening and of an even greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts.” ~ Thomas Merton The first step to transformation comes with a desire for change. It often manife...
December 10th, 2012
Nature Can Teach Us How To Be! It seemed like yet another typical fall weekend as my husband Ken and I drove out to the countryside, passing by blueberry and dairy farms and stables as we made our way to the Alouette river for a walk along the dyke. The only difference was that we were blessed by some intermittent sunshine last ...
May 16th, 2012
INNER WORK: THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY Is it true that our destiny is to turn into Light, I and self? —Hafiz, Sufi poet Why Is Inner Work Important In Leading A Healed, Balanced And Authentic Life? “One cannot truly know the magnificence of one’s light until one has dealt with the darkness of one’s shadow” is the par...